Apr 21st 2018
@ Wildrose Brewing Company
1104 E Main St, Griffith, IN 46319
Opening Saturday, April 21st, from 7PM - 10PM
Invite your friends and neighbors! (Visible outside of the SLAC group)
Group show of artists from Indiana & Illinois & Iowa exploring the visual language of LOUD!
C.S. Alexis
Christian Bartholomew
Brenda Bowyer
Jillian Bridgeman
Randy Buvala
Sara Peak Convery
Abbey Estes
Carol Estes
Lyndsey Harris
David Hauptschein
Janel Hunt
Lori Jackson
Robin Janota
Jennifer Fisher Jones
Kellie Lachata
Ian Lantz
Mike Lewandowski
L lee Ligocki
Tony Lipka
Julie Miller
Kerri Mommer
Rol Mommer
Erik Ohrn
Jamie Prancik
Gary L Price
Rebecca Springer
Mike Stidham
Michelle Taylor
Rick Therrio
Penelope Thrasher
Judi Tussey
Daniel Weinberg
Alicia Yanguas
Image: digital painting © David Hauptschein
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