Being With: a reading
@ Comfort Station Logan Square
2579 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Saturday, July 29th, from 4PM - 6PM
Join us for a reading to close out the exhibition “Manifesto for Mutualistic Tendencies” by Dao Nguyen and Kayla Anderson. Responding to themes of the more than human world, mutualism, significant otherness, collaborative survival, companion species, and synanthropes, we will have readings by Jennifer Karmin, Natasha Mijares, Rebecca Elliot, Kayla Anderson and Dao Nguyen, with virtual contributions by Maggie Wong and Moe Beitiks. After the programmed portion, there will be an open reading session for anyone who has brought writing to share. Feel free to bring your own writing or writing by another.
“We Americans are reluctant to learn a foreign language of our own species, let alone another species. But imagine the possibilities. Imagine the access we would have to different perspectives, the things we might see through other eyes, the wisdom that surrounds us. We don’t have to figure everything out ourselves: there are intelligences other than our own, teachers all around us. Imagine how much less lonely the world would be.”
—Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
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