Madame X: An Absolute RULER
@ Comfort Station Logan Square
2579 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Wednesday, May 1st, from 8PM - 10PM
As part of our Guest Film Curator series we welcome Hiromi Ueyoshi presenting:
Madame X – Eine absolute Herrscherin (1978)
Synopsis: Several women, all bored with their menial lives, join a lesbian pirate ship and set sail on a kooky adventure.
Media: Digital Projection
Runtime: 141 minutes
Subtitled in English
About Hiromi Ueyosh: Hiromi Ueyoshi is a multi-disciplinary artist and musician. She currently is the sole programmer and organizer of Queer Film Series, a chronological exploration of LGBTQ representation in mainstream film.
For the months of April and May the Guest curator series invites independent film programmers to Comfort Film to share their vision of what film means to them.
No BYOB please.
The Comfort Station Film Curator Series is programmed by Raul Benitez and Nando Espinosa Herrera.
Official Website
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Tags: Chicago, Comfort Film, Comfort Station Logan Square, Hiromi Ueyoshi, Logan Square, Madame X: An Absolute RULER

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