@ UnLock Hause
2872 N Drake Ave, Apt 3R, Chicago, IL 60618
Opening Sunday, September 10th, from 2PM - 5PM
On view through Sunday, September 10th
Unlock Hause at CORNER presents:
– used to describe a way of filming something in which many photographs are taken over a long period of time and are shown quickly in a series so that a slow action (such as the opening of a flower bud) appears to happen quickly.
In Spanish the word lapse, may or may not refer to time, which is why it is not redundant to say lapso de tiempo (time lapse). And because lapso is frequently used with reference to time, it is sometimes enough to just enunciate the word lapso, if in context it is used to talk about time.
In its new location, 2872 N Drake #3R (corner of N Drake and Milwaukee), UnLock Hause opens with installations by Coral Pereda, Arielle Tonkin and Pia Cruzalegui.
Sunday, September 10, 2:00 – 5:00 PM. The theme for this new opening is time-lapse.
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