David Ingenthron: Light: Snacks
1378 W Grand Ave, 3, Chicago, IL 60622
Opening Saturday, May 1st, from 7PM - 10PM
On view through Saturday, May 29th
The painting and sculptural installation on view continues David Ingenthron’s employment of conventional materials in unconventional, albeit sincere, ways.
Object Permanence is a room-sized sculpture containing 198 empty light bulb boxes as its infrastructure. Each one is turned inside out, reformed and painted, transforming each individual box into a combination of a temporary, freestanding museum wall and an abstract expressionist painting. They confront the viewer at eye level and then descend into the landscape of the gallery. A pillar and pedestal made of tape and cardboard titled Transparency towers towards the ceiling, aping Triumph, from his previous exhibition with the gallery. Connecting these works is a sensitive, flamboyant, and sophisticated painting, Her Pleasure, which we want to lick.
The material exploration exhibited in his acrylic and rabbit skin glue painting contrasts the presence of the artists hand in the manipulation and re-construction of the machine made light bulb boxes; but both the two and three-dimensional works share a profound wonderment for the ordinary and a visionary’s appreciation for the processes, both contemplative and craft based, of making artwork.
He begins the whole process by finding exception in the common place, at all levels of the personal and the public, the niche to the mainstream. His sensitive and complex observations take nothing for granted. Cuz when you’re hot, you’re hot. Look at what you got.
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