Oct 14th 2017

“The Animal Presence,” a group show sponsored by Mapnare.us and [Blnk] Collective, is inspired by Ursula K. Leguin’s collection of short stories, “Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences.” The show takes place from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday, October 14, 2017, 1029 West 35th Street, studio 008, Chicago). The show will be online at constantlyconsumingculture.com.

All pieces involve or are related to our animal friends; the artists determine precisely how.

The artists are: John Airo (Chicago), Eric Ginsburg (Miami), Sharon Gissy (Chicago), Joe Wallace (Chicago), Darius Airo (Chicago), Brett Manning (Indiana) and Kimberly Fitzgerald (San Diego) with music created by Tim Larson.

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