Billy McGuinness
@ Studio 3325
3325 W Wrightwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Saturday, October 22nd, from 6PM - 8PM
Grace Church of Logan Square is pleased to announce Billy McGuinness as the artist-in-residence for the Fall/Winter season of Studio 3325. Please join us in welcoming him with a small reception and viewing of his work on Saturday, October 22nd from 6-8pm. Open studio hours with the artist will take place one Sunday a month during the residency from 11:30am – 12:30pm and public programs in conjunction with the artist will be announced separately.
Billy McGuinness engages in a project based art practice that focuses on human connection. He uses artmaking as a way to create empathy and understanding of what he sees as the three most pressing issues of our time: hunger, homelessness, and mass incarceration. In his own words, his work is meant to “reflect on and address the physical, spiritual and psychological consequences of public policy, how we meet or deny needs, alleviate or exacerbate suffering.”
Grace Church of Logan Square (United Methodist) is a Reconciling Congregation, which believes that all people are of sacred worth, all people have the freedom to worship, and all people are loved by God. No exceptions or restrictions. The artist-in-residence program is designed to offer social justice minded artists space to work while engaging any and all communities in a dialogue about art. Grace is located at the intersection of Kimball and Wrightwood in Logan Square. For more information on the Artist-in-Residence program, services, and other programs please visit
*five months of love (2013, foot traffic on canvas, 37 in x 93 in)
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Tags: billy mcguinness, Chicago, Grace Church of Logan Square, Logan Square, Studio 3325

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