Jan 27th 2024

This is an opportunity for members of the Teen Creative Agency to enter into a conversation with Christina and Courtney, the founders of #BlkGrlsWurld, about their growth and evolution as Black womxn publishers, event organizers, and lovers of punk, hardcore, and metal.

Coinciding with the Faith Ringgold: American People exhibition, this event highlights the creativity, influence, and impact of Black Femme creatives across generations.

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#BlkGrlsWurld is an award-winning indie publishing house based in New York City since 2014. Featuring a print zine, podcast, music festival, irl community and more, #BlkGrlsWurld is operated by Christina Long, MFA (SAIC 2012) and her sibling Courtney Long. The press celebrates and documents Black Womxn & Womxn of Color who participate in heavy music genres like Metalcore, Hardcore, Punk and Black Metal. Interviewing bands, reviewing music and vending at zine fairs allow #BlkGrlsWurld ZINE to introduce readers to new music and the diversity within music scenes.

Zines and artists’ books published by #BlkGrlsWurld Press can be found in libraries at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Museum of Modern Art PS1, The Whitney Museum, The Schomburg Center for Research On Black Culture, The Barnard Zine Library, Wasted Ink Zine Distro and many more.


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