Aug 3rd 2024

Shinkai no tamashīi
August 3, 8pm
Asian Improv aRts Midwest
The souls of the dead live in the depths of the sea.
Every roar of the waves is their cry.

About Shinkai no tamashīi
Souls in the sea. Refugees, these people fled of war, desperate situation and hunger. They entered the boats full of hope to survive, get help and a safe life. This hope sank into the sea. They lost everything and finally also their lives. We still mourn in reverence to the atomic bomb of Hiroshima, we experienced earth quakes and tsunamis, the super gau of the atomic plant of Fukushima which taught us fear and finally this corona pandemic.

Numerous people died through these horrible events – their bodies are lying on the ground of the sea, but their souls move on.

What would they tell us, if they could rise again out of the sea?

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