Apr 5th 2019

The value of a hard-earned buck is the cheeky message of this smartly satirical comedy that has a pampered trust-fund princess summoned to labor in the family factory when her fed-up dad pulls the plug on her extravagance. Coerced into joining divorced toy-mogul dad Teddy (veteran Hong Kong actor Ng) and his new family in China, Sasha (Akana of MISS 2059) contends with her competitive half-sister Carol (Lynn Chen), dad’s nubile mistress, and the indignity of working for a living making squishy stuffed animals with seasonal themes. Director Ting (ALREADY TOMORROW IN HONG KONG) blends fashion and fun, and plays with pop culture stereotypes while Sasha gets a new lease on life when it turns out that her design school degree is a sellable asset after all. DCP digital. (BS)

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