Spill Your Lungs
@ The Overlook
3323 W Armitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Thursday, August 17th, from 7PM - 11PM
Come hang with us at The Overlook for a chill night of music, friends, cheap wine, and some dimly lit candles. Ambience and musical entertainment to be provided by The Jellies, Jordanna, The Cell Phones, and Dilettante. Cash donations for booze and hugs.
Jenn Romero, front Jelly of The Jellies, likes to write poems and sing in the key of bittersweet. Bubbles and deep introspection recommended. If not, do you. Realness is crucial. https://thejellieschicago.bandcamp.com/
Jordanna is a person/project/performance. A blend of vulnerability and independence, Jordanna seeks to bond those watching, listening, and participating. https://www.facebook.com/JordannaChicago
dil·et·tante/ˌdiliˈtänt/ Noun: A person who claims an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge. Dilettante’s music is a modern take on traditional songwriting techniques and explores themes of loneliness, heartbreak, and all of life’s other sad shit.
The Cell Phones are a loud and emotional ball of magic and energy. Watch at close range, listen at loud volumes. http://www.cellphonesband.com/
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