May 31st 2023
Low Strung Chicago Concert
@ International Museum of Surgical Science
1524 N Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL, 60610
Opening Wednesday, May 31st, from 7PM - 8:30PM
IMSS presents “Low Strung,” a group of classically-trained musicians turned rock-cello rebels from Yale University!
Founded in 2006, Low Strung has quickly become a sought-after musical phenomenon with a unique sound and stage presence. Low Strung’s ever-expanding repertoire spans from The Beatles to Beyoncé, and showcases unlikely musical encounters, such as The Eagles meets Beethoven in a chilling all-cello take on Hotel California. Low Strung has performed in the David Geffen Hall in NYC, Universal Studios in Singapore and the opening of the MGM National Harbor Resort & Casino in Maryland alongside the Blue Man Group.
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