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		<title>Peter Fleps: Done and Undone</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Hannah McHugh]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Sun, 23 Oct 2011 00:00:01 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Done and Undone]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Peter Fleps]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Peter Fleps: Done and Undone]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.thevisualist.org/?p=128053</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>​ With the pandemic raging, I turned to working in the studio – constantly &#8211; and, oddly, with an extraordinary intensity of focus. I made a lot of work. All of the work on view was produced during this period, though its roots go much further back. And while none of the work addresses the<a href="https://thevisualist.org/2011/10/peter-fleps-done-and-undone/" class="read-more">Continue Reading</a></p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thevisualist.org/2011/10/peter-fleps-done-and-undone/">Peter Fleps: Done and Undone</a> first appeared on <a href="https://thevisualist.org">The Visualist</a>.</p>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>​<br />
With the pandemic raging, I turned to working in the studio – constantly &#8211; and, oddly, with an extraordinary intensity of focus. I made a lot of work. All of the work on view was produced during this period, though its roots go much further back. And while none of the work addresses the pandemic directly, it’s hard to imagine making work over the last year and a half without it having at least some psychic link to it.</p>
<p>With no definitive plan in mind I then decided to install that work in the Extension space where I’d be able to see what I’d done apart from the clutter of the studio. Once completed, the resulting installation, in my mind, seemed to call out for a title. “Done and Undone” not only felt deeply appropriate to the work, but also seemed to describe a kind of zeitgeist for the conditions we faced and further inspired a framework for thinking about other possibilities, not just for my own practice but for the space as well.</p><p>The post <a href="https://thevisualist.org/2011/10/peter-fleps-done-and-undone/">Peter Fleps: Done and Undone</a> first appeared on <a href="https://thevisualist.org">The Visualist</a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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