Jul 22nd 2023

5th Annual Historic Bike Tour of Chicago Race Riot of 1919

Join The Chicago Race Riot of 1919 Commemoration Project (CRR19), Organic Oneness, Illinois Tech, and supporting partners on Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 at 35th and State Parking lot for the 5th annual CRR19 Bike Tour. Check-in begins at 9:15am with opening ceremony of healing at 10am.

This year’s commemoration will feature prototypes of the glass markers created by our art studio partner, Firebird Community Arts, and a dance performance, “Vortex of Violence to Breaths of Healing” by students at Bronzeville’s own Reavis Elementary, choreographed by Kevin “lega” Jeff of legaMOVES, award-winning choreographer and acclaimed co-founder of Deeply Rooted Dance.

Following the ceremony, the 2-hour bike tour will travel through the Bronzeville and Bridgeport neighborhoods. On the bike tour, you will learn about the history of Eugene Williams and how his unjust racist killing sparked the Chicago Race Riot of 1919–the worst incident of racial violence in City history and among twenty-five such incidents across the nation that came to be known as the Red Summer.

After the ride, you will enjoy a a free lunch, music, and opportunity to engage with local organizations and resources tables.

Everyone is strongly encouraged to wear a helmet. Please adhere to COVID guidelines and comfort level with distant to others. In the event of rain, the event will move indoors to another location in Bronzeville (TBD) and the ride will be postponed.

Free parking is available on city streets, including on Michigan Ave. north of 35th Street, as well as in an IIT parking lot (D4) which can be entered from E. 34th St., i.e. from the north side of that lot; this lot is just to the east of the CTA Green Line tracks.

The event is free with an option for donations. All donations of $30 or more will receive a Chicago Race Riot 1919 shirt at the check-in table.

More info at chicagoraceriot.org or @chicagoraceriot on socials

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