Jun 27th 2023

Amina Ross
Low-Residency Master of Fine Arts: Visiting Artist and Scholar Series
Lecture: Tuesday, June 27th at 6PM in the SAIC Ballroom, MacLean Building

Description: In this artist lecture, Ross unearths the possibilities of a multi-media practice through an active engagement of turbulence. How might an art practice pull apart the complexities of our current conditions by offering transitory spaces of refuge? How might transformation of an unbearable reality become possible only through “staying with the trouble”*?

Coming into an awareness of a world outside of oneself is a textured terrain. Glissant names this navigation of the other “turbulence”**. Our moment, marked by precarity, is readily named turbulent. An eye of a storm is a place of ephemeral peace. Metaphors of meteorological tumult loop like a pop-music refrain. These weather conditions articulate the uncontrollable forces of change that we live within. Through their work, Ross suggests embracing this constant fluctuation, riding the waves of this storm, and being together even when being together is difficult, as strategies for navigating and staying alive through the unknowable.

* Donna Haraway, “Staying with the trouble”
** Édouard Glissant, “Poetics of Relation”

Amina Ross makes videos, sculptures, sounds, and situations. Their work questions how systems of power condition reality and how communities facing oppression navigate, resist, reimagine, and refigure these systems to thrive in safety. Ross has worked as an educator at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and Rhode Island School of Design. They received a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and an MFA from the Yale School of Art in Sculpture. Ross has exhibited work nationally and internationally. They recently completed residencies at Skowhegan School of Sculpture and Painting, Wave Hill, Abrons Art Center, and Harvestworks. Ross is currently part-time faculty at Parsons School of Design, The New School. They are currently a Keyholder at The Lower East Side Printshop and a fellow at The Bronx Museum.

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