Sep 6th 2024


@ ARC Gallery

1463 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60642

Opening Friday, September 6th, from 5PM - 8PM

On view through Friday, September 27th

NEW WORK: ALTERED PAGES is a series of drawings and notations on and of organic images. Using the base imagery to respond to, I can modify, eliminate, or accent patterns and textures. Contour line is applied and masked and applied again to build up layers of information. Book pages, maps, floor plans, aerial photography are all starting points for my process. From these previous images, I respond using additive and subtractive techniques; counteracting , engaging, modifying until a satisfying conclusion is reached. For me, a sense of whimsy is encouraged as a response to the papers. A continuous layering of pattern, line, or textures allows for a formalist structure to be imposed that helps simplify the end result.

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