Sep 13th 2024

Cortney Philip: My Only Friends Are Audiobooks

@ Greenleaf Art Center

1806 W Greenleaf Ave, Chicago, IL 60626

Opening Friday, September 13th, from 6PM - 8PM

On view through Tuesday, October 1st

“My Only Friends Are Audiobooks” is an ongoing series of hand-sewn felt appliqué quilts depicting imagined landscapes from science fiction novels. I listen to these novels in audiobook format as I do daily household chores, sometimes for hours every day.

As capitalism continues to isolate us from each other and the natural world, this project reflects our turn toward escapism to cope. And while we struggle privately, separate from each other in our homes and in our workplaces, a common visual language has emerged in science fiction. My goal is to capture the joy with imagery that is both specific in its textual references, as well as generically familiar in a broader cultural context.

I have chosen appliqué as my medium specifically because I enjoy the contrast between what has traditionally been seen as women’s work (sewing) and men’s work (exploring strange new worlds). This project is inherently feminist, but by marrying fiber art with space exploration, I hope to express the universal impulse to deal with the mundane by picturing ourselves in fantastic places.

My ultimate hope for this project is that maybe—just maybe—by getting together for a night and talking about our favorite media, we can all be a little less alone.

My Only Friends Are Audiobooks
By Cortney Philip
Reception from 6-8 pm on September 13, with an artist talk at 7:00
Show runs through September
Greenleaf Art Center’s West Gallery

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