Comfort Music: Tyler Wagner + Laurentse
@ Comfort Station Logan Square
2579 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Thursday, September 5th, from 7:30PM - 9:30PM
Tyler Wagner improvises music unaccompanied on the upright bass : : Known primarily for accompanying an ever growing list of artists and collaborators in Chicago, Tyler seeks to create complete musical mechanisms alone on the bass. This collaboration expands past the point of other musicians, now shaped by the performance space, the passage of time, and the shape of music itself ∞
Laurentse is the moniker of Chicago-based musician Max Reikosky. Via prior releases with Shimmering Moods Records and Melty Tapes, his output spans electro-acoustic ambient palettes to art-damaged sound collage. His current work aims to explore the process of merging identities through cross-genre pollination, multi-instrumental experimentation, and spontaneous field recording.
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