Aug 1st 2024

Unseen Eyes invites us to look up, notice the cameras around us, and explore society’s complex relationship with technology. Employing digital tools inspired by surrealism, I aim to immerse the viewer in the asymmetrical relationship of both the watcher and the watched while being forced to acknowledge the existence of constant surveillance, facial recognition, and the potential dangers of this unregulated system shaping our lives.

I’m Katy Bergholz, a digital artist from Oak Park, Illinois. I recently completed an MFA in Independent Film and Digital Imaging from Governor’s State University, a journey that has shaped my unique perspective and approach to art. I strive to stimulate thought, raise awareness, and challenge conventional perceptions through my digital collages.

I invite viewers into a realm where the familiar meets the unexpected, drawing inspiration from surrealists and contemporary digital artists. I use digital tools to deconstruct and reconstruct visual realities.

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