Jul 12th 2024

Jack Scott: When Things Were Real

@ Circa Modern, Design at 329

329 W 18th St, Ste 507, Chicago, IL 60608

Opening Friday, July 12th, from 6PM - 10PM

On view through Sunday, July 14th

“Working on large [8 x 15 feet] un-stretched canvases. JACK SCOTT draws charcoal arcs in a freehand style. Through placement and density the arcs create patterns of light and dark, vibrating with a luminescence unaniticipated by the rawness of the materials. In previous works the arcs coalesced into amorphous forms – romantic sensations suggesting clouds, smoke or fog. With his recent works Scott introduces a concrete graphic form, large bisecting arcs that are giant magnifications of the minutey rendered arcs. Environmental romanticism yields to a bolder sensibility, as these shapes bear relationship to configurations favored by Minimalists and hard-edge abstract-expressionists.” ~ Hal Fischer, Art Forum 1978

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