Zine Not Dead Fest
@ Grace Church of Logan Square
3325 W Wrightwood Ave Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Saturday, June 15th, from 12PM - 6PM
Zine Not Dead is pleased to announce the inaugural Zine Not Dead Fest: A Comics and Small Press Fair.
Zine Not Dead Fest is a one-day event bringing together comics and small press artists and publishers from around the world to Chicago. A day of vending (featuring 60-80 artists & publishers), talks, and workshops concludes with the biggest Zine Not Dead reading of all time in the evening.
Zine Not Dead Fest will be held at Grace Church of Logan Square (3325 W Wrightwood Ave) on June 15th, from noon to 6pm. The Fest will be free and open to the public! The evening’s Zine Not Dead will be ticketed, with more information to follow
Exhibitor List:
A. T. Pratt ∙ Alex Nall ∙ Alexander Laird/FROG FARM ∙ Amy Lockhart ∙ Andrea Bell ∙ Andy Hood ∙ angela fance / katie lane ∙ Anya Davidson ∙ Atlan Arceo ∙Witzl / Tenoch Press ∙ Audrey Hamilton ∙ Beatrix Urkowitz ∙ BearBear ∙ Beth Hetland ∙ Bonnie Guerra ∙ Braided Magazine ∙ Brian Uhl ∙ Bred Press ∙ Bubbles Fanzine ∙ Cam Collins ∙ Carmen Johns ∙ Cold Boy Press ∙ Comics Blogger ∙ Conor Stechschulte ∙ CRAM books ∙ D.R.Y. ∙ Dave Ortega ∙ Derick Jones ∙ DOG EYE PRESS ∙ E. Joy Mehr ∙ Eileen Chavez ∙ Entropy Editions ∙ Ernie Roan ∙ Fieldmouse Press ∙ Flannery Cashill ∙ fscare ∙ Gabriel Mason Howell ∙ George Porteus ∙ Gina Wynbrandt ∙ Goodbye Press ∙ Grayson Bear ∙ Harrison & Nell ∙ Hoofprint ∙ Iona Fox ∙ Issue Press ∙ J. Marshall Smith ∙ J.E Paeth ∙ Jasjyot Singh Hans ∙ Jeremy Tinder and his Students ∙ Jetsy Merchblatt ∙ JT Wilkins / TTRX ∙ Kaitlin Kostus ∙ Kelly Wang ∙ Kevin Huizenga ∙ King-Cat Comix/Spit and a Half Distro ∙ Lale Westvind ∙ Lark Lyra Lou Hill ∙ Late Night Copies Press ∙ Liana Fu ∙ Lily (Basil) MacLachlan ∙ liz yerby ∙ Lucie Van der Elst, Nick Merlock Jackson, & Robert Zant ∙ lucky risograph ∙ Lumpen Comics ∙ Maggie Umber ∙ Marnie Galloway ∙ Martian Press ∙ Math-you Land-vote ∙ Max Huffman ∙ Midwest Cuban Comics ∙ Mike Centeno ∙ More Human Editions ∙ Most Ancient ∙ NEOGLYPHIC MEDIA ∙ Organ Bank ∙ Other World Riso ∙ Patrick Kyle ∙ Perfectly Acceptable Press ∙ Pete Faecke ∙ Pratima Pinnepalli ∙ Project Onward ∙ Public Collectors ∙ Raeann Van Zee ∙ Reptile House Comix ∙ Robert Baxter ∙ Ron Regè, Jr. ∙ Sage Coffey ∙ Sam Hensley ∙ Sam Sharpe ∙ Sam Szabo ∙ Sean Mac ∙ Secret Room Press ∙ Shea Cahill ∙ SLOP ∙ Sofia Brunwin & Joseph McColgan ∙ Sonnenzimmer ∙ Steve Schaberg ∙ Syd Madia ∙ Talya Modlin ∙ Taxonomy Press ∙ Teddie Bernard ∙ Tenderly & friends ∙ TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO ∙ Work Press & Publication ∙ Wormy Orchids ∙ Yewon Kwon ∙ 2dcloud
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