Jun 21st 2024

Helen Dannelly + Yolanda Fernandez-Shebeko: PERCEPTIONS OF NATURE

@ Fourth Presbyterian Church

126 E. Chestnut St

Opening Friday, June 21st, from 5:30PM - 7PM

On view through Thursday, August 15th

Opening Reception: Friday, June 21, 5:30-7pm
Artist Talk: 6:15pm
Curator: Monica J. Brown

The paintings I create are in response to the world within and around me. I am interested in metamorphosis as a natural phenomenon as well as an interpersonal phenomenon. This interest is reflected in my work.
My work is very influenced by nature. I have traveled a lot to Ireland, France, California and I’ve taken a lot of photos from which I use to paint. I also like to take long walks and I collect seed pods, stones, and look at leaves and the shapes their shadows make on the sidewalk—the way light can change the look and color of the landscape.
I’m a PK – a preacher’s kid. When I’m in nature, I feel closest to God. I never cease to be awestruck by God’s handiwork. All I want to do is capture the beauty I’m witnessing and share it with others.
I used to think art was selfish because I enjoyed it so much and it was such a solitary endeavor. I didn’t think that it helped people — and a good Christian girl is trained to think of others.
But several years ago, I read a quote by Theologian Howard Thurman who said: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
This was so reassuring to me! We’re all made in the image of our Creator, and because of that, our drive to create is an important part of who we are. It’s the Divine spirit.

Art for art’s sake. Agnes Martin described art as a high house. Milton Resnick stated the only direction in art that mattered is ascendancy. Holding colors in my hands opens up magnified views, far off vistas, and distant memories. They become inspired moments, inspired thoughts, made visible, although, like much of human thought, they can remain quite abstract.
I follow the vibrations set forth through the juxtaposition of the colors themselves and find myself using a silent language with a clear tongue, almost fluently.

Exhibition Dates: June 15 – August 15, 2024

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