Mar 6th 2024
Ex Pat, Suicide Moi, DJ Fading, Trou
@ Elastic Arts
3429 W Diversey Ave, #208, Chicago IL, 60647
Opening Wednesday, March 6th, at 7:30PM
Elastic’s beloved friend, show producer, and CLEAT curator Sam Clapp has put together a super fun and eclectic show for this March Wednesday. We’ll have Buffalo NY based singer-songwriter Patrick Weil in town performing a solo set as Ex Pat. We’ll also hear from Suicide Moi, a collaborative art and music project by artists Julian Flavin, Isabelle Frances McGuire, and Liz Vitlin. Their forthcoming debut album “Anastasia” is set to be released in 2024. Then there will be a set from Trou, which is the duo of Julian Van Der Moere and Sara McCall. Throughout the night we’ll have DJ Fading providing the sonic vibes. It’ll be a super fun night with lots of friends and revelry. We’ll have DJ Fading kick it off at 7:30pm. Come hang!
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Tags: Chicago, DJ Fading, Elastic Arts, Ex Pat, Isabelle Frances McGuire, Julian Flavin, Julian Van Der Moere, Liz Vitlin, Logan Square, Patrick Weil, Sam Clapp, Sara McCall, Suicide Moi, Trou

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