Feb 19th 2024

Healing With Color Virtual Workshop

@ Awakenings Art


Opening Monday, February 19th, from 3PM - 5PM

Awakenings Art presents a virtual workshop by returning teaching artist Gillian Marwood. Join us for an afternoon exploring how survivorship can be expressed through color creation and mixing. This virtual workshop is free and open to survivors and those impacted by sexual violence.

More workshop content details to be announced.

Gillian is a queer sculptor, jewelry designer, business owner, and stop motion animator. Their work focuses on sex work, trauma, and queerness which they bring to light through their stop motion films and sculptures. Their Sculptures have been featured in Woman Made Gallery, Locus Gallery, Elgin fringe festival, and The Robin.

Monday February 19th | 3:00-5:00pm CST | Virtual

Awakenings provides survivors of sexual violence with a trauma informed inclusive art-making experience that encourages healing.

A zoom link will be sent the day before and day of this workshop for rsvp’d individuals. Please reach us at info @ awakeningsart . org if you have any questions.

Learn more at awakeningsart.org

RSVP on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/healing-with-color-workshop-tickets-803412527497?aff=oddtdtcreator

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