Sep 29th 2023

Ernest Strauhal 許志仁 (b. 2000, San Francisco) works in sound, video, and printmedia. Influenced by environments both real and imaginary, his studio practice incorporates landscape, gesture, and chance.

Jade Sayson is a sound and visual artist living in Chicago. For her, music-making and drawing are safe spheres for processing, meditating and worldmaking. She also curates mixes on her monthly show with Beloved Radio.

Andrew CS is a many media artist from the american midwest weaving worlds within human technologies, memory, and biology. Their music has been published by Leaving Records (LA) and Cached Media (denver). They also publish open-source music software as part of the lines community (

Omai Tran views her sounds as a cinematic experience, creating soundtracks for scenes of the imagination. These are sonic atmospheres with non-concrete narratives. Her compositions encourage the listener to escape into their own worlds, creating a space for sound to interact with personal experiences and emotions.

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