Cook My Goose
@ Baby Blue Gallery
2201 S Halsted St, room 3-4s, Chicago, IL 60608
Opening Saturday, November 3rd, from 7PM - 10PM
On view through Sunday, November 11th
Baby Blue is hosting a second reception of Cook My Goose as a part of Gallery Weekend Chicago.
Cook My Goose is a group exhibition featuring: Edward Cabral, Daniel Giordano, Cecilia Iwata, Dutes Miller, Stan Shellabarger, and R.Blair Sullivan. The show is composed of food inspired art, with works that range in style from the comically abject cannolis of Daniel Giordano, to Edward Cabral’s finely crafted porcelain replicas of fast food. The works are predominantly sculptural, however some incorporate documentation and viewer interaction. These include the “butter books” of Dutes Miller and Stan Shellabarger, year long collections of butter wrappers bound in book-form, as well as the deteriorating cakes of Cecilia Iwata. All the artists treat food with aesthetic, conceptual, and personal significance. Questioning our taste in high or low culture, disgust or delight, and intimacy or alienation through the theme of food.
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