Nov 18th 2015

As A ____, I ____

@ Black Box Theatre

1917 N Elston Ave, Chicago IL

Opening Wednesday, November 18th, from 4PM - 8PM

As part of the Liminal Space design residency, this symposium seeks to explore the how and why of content creation and how they are correlated.

Designer in residence Cameron Ralston invites participants and attendees to think:

How do we as graphic designers, writers, artists (etc.) create content beyond often arbitrary definitions of practice. Do our definitions (designer, writer, artist etc.) affect the way we create work? What does actively situating oneself in a spectrum of practice do to the work created? Can we identify with a body of thinking?

Is there a designerly way of creating? That responds to the tools, software, history, business models, aesthetics, language, politics et cetera of graphic design practice. What of non-designers who create what might be identifiable as designerly work?

You are invited to speculate on the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of content creation. And if these are correlated somehow.

The audience is invited to bring their thoughts and discuss with the panellists. Following the discussions and short talks there will be snacks and drinks provided to be followed by a presentation by Ralston on his thoughts surrounding the topic.

James T Green
Chad Kouri
Rachel Hyman
Charles Roderick and Joshua Ippel of Hideous Beast
Veronica Corzo-Duchardt
Anton Jeludkov

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