Benjamin Bellas: Getting ready for his upcoming solo show
@ over Grant Park
over Grant Park, in the sky
Opening Friday, September 21st, from 5:30 - 5:40
slow wants you to look up in the sky. Not right now, that would only almost be like us. Friday. Toward the lake.
Benjamin Bellas is staging his own personal air show. Minus the militant underbelly. Getting ready for his upcoming solo show at slow. Actually, it is an aerial ballet. No seriously. Pink slippers and incredibly tight tights ballet. Balanchine’s Apollo Ballet performed by helicopters. OK, so no tights. The grand gesture that only leaves you hovering. Two helicopters will be performing the Terpsichore variation, Apollo variation, and Pas de Deux over Grant Park Friday September 21st at 5:30pm.
The performance is weather dependent with Saturday September 22nd at 5:30pm as an alternate performance time in case of inclement weather.
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