Jun 29th 2012


@ Willow Chicago

418 S. Wabash

Opening Friday, June 29th, from 6:30PM - 9PM

On view through Sunday, July 1st

the gray show will investigate three different approaches to gray: gray as neutral, gray as natural and gray areas.

gray as neutral:
We live in a big city, surrounded by many shades of gray on our buildings and in our homes. What is our obsession with gray? Are we in constant pursuit of something neutral? Are we always trying to “blend in”? What is beneficial/damaging about the idea of being neutral?

gray as natural:
How does gray in the atmosphere affect our mood? What does one gray day make us feel like? How does a 10-day streak of gray days effect our mood? How does our environment affect our mood and attitude so deeply? Can we change our mood regardless of our environment?

gray areas:
We use the word gray often as a metaphor for things that are hard to discuss, figure out, work through. If you view the world from a “black and white perspective” your motives and judgments are set. But if you see in grays, options and possibilities abound. What areas in our lives are we still “unclear” about; what things are hard for us to share or discuss in our families or church or with friends because it seems like there are different views and opinions? Gray areas can lead to great discussions and awareness, but they may not always lead to results.

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