Scott Nadeau: Insignificant Matter
@ Defibbulator
1136 N Milwaukee Ave.
Opening Friday, April 13th, from 7PM - 11PM
On view through Saturday, April 21st
This is not the Studio in c0-production with Defibrillator Gallery present a solo show by Scott Nadeau.
Consisting of a massive installation with a series of accompanying prints, this exhibition is a departure from Defibrillator’s usual performance programming.
Gallery hours will be 14 april to 21 april from 3-8pm.
An opening reception catered by Guerilla Smiles will include a musical performance by Marvin Ausby.
“Identity is recognition. Recognition is capital or the affirmed version of self properly represented through accepted symbolic forms. These forms have been established for you. You utilize the already constructed past and manipulate it according to the laws of originality in order to establish some potential new form that might outlast you. You are an artist.”
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