Running Room
@ A+D Gallery
619 S Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60605
Opening Thursday, June 23rd, from 5PM - 8PM
On view through Wednesday, July 20th
Madeleine Bailey, Adam Farcus, Erik Peterson and Alexander Stewart met at ACRE’s 2010 session in an environment that fostered artistic experimentation, dialogue, and play. Here, the artists draw on a continuation of that energy in the form of an interdisciplinary experiment existing within and beyond its walls. Over the course of this show, the artists will transform the gallery space into a Running Room.
Running Room is based on Karl Kraus’s notion of allowing an idea / place / material / object enough wiggle room to change. Encouraging an active détournement of seemingly banal signs, we allow a space for viewers to experience the darkly humorous undercurrents that make up everyday life. If allowed “running-room,” a sculpture can become a prop for a performance, a film can be transformed by its very viewing, and an artwork can be built by its audience. Slowly populated by work over the duration of the show, the exhibition’s room is not only defined through Kraus but also by the exhibition space itself—its four walls, floor and ceiling—outside and in. We use the gallery as both a physical space for social interaction and a conceptual space for redefining the purpose of the exhibition. By way of four curated events that will take place each Thursday evening and the large (and changeable) amphitheater, we invite the possibility to turn an exhibition into this: a stadium, a staging ground, a public forum, and a theater.
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