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Both artists look to their built environments as spatial productions of memory,<a href="http://thevisualist.org/2020/09/sinkholesinkholes-clementine-peels/" class="read-more">Continue Reading</a></p> <p>The post <a href="http://thevisualist.org/2020/09/sinkholesinkholes-clementine-peels/">SinkholeSinkholes & Clementine Peelss & Clementine Peels</a> first appeared on <a href="http://thevisualist.org">The Visualist</a>.</p>]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Artist’s Reception: Sept 25, 2020 6 – 9pm<br /> On view Sept 25 – October 25, 2020<br /> Artist-hosted gallery hours: Sat-Sun 1-4pm</p> <p>Chicatolia Artisan Collective will present its inaugural exhibition, Sinkholes & Clementine Peels, featuring the work of artists Farnaz Khosh-Sirat and Hope Wang. Both artists look to their built environments as spatial productions of memory, power, and desire.</p> <p>By deconstructing architectural details and reconfiguring fragments of it, their works become false copies and relics of their personal experiences. Khosh-Sirat utilizes girih, geometric patterns in Persian textiles and architecture, in her atmospheric sculptural installations to delineate space. In an act devoted to mimicry that also reflects a desire for material to appear as something other than itself, Wang reproduces patterns from common construction materials and shifts their scale onto alternate substrates. While Khosh-Sirat captures the stylized patterns of prayer rugs and meditates on the spiritual essence of space, Wang contends with the sloppy traces of human activity around industrial sites. By manipulating material to create ghostings of these contexts, Khosh-Sirat and Wang celebrate the qualities of their built environment in a way that is simultaneously casual and critical.</p> <p>****Please note there will be limited capacity (4 people at a time) and masks are required for entry. Because this exhibition space is housed at the back of a retail store, there is extra space to mingle in the store. Reservations are not required to enter, but we recommend guests reserve viewing time during artist-held gallery hours for 30 min time slots. These slots will be prioritized over walk-ins. Please email hopewangstudios@gmail.com for reservations.</p> <p>—</p> <p>Farnaz Khosh-Sirat is an Iranian light artist & designer based in Chicago, IL, who works mainly in video and sculpture. Strong influences of her work include a curiosity for the sublime and paradise, as well as elements of Persian patternworks and motifs symbolizing light and nature. Khosh-Sirat received her BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2017 and has shown work in Genius Loci Weimar Festival and Zakaib. She has presented solo exhibitions at 3rd Coast Cafe and Siragusa Gallery. She also designed creative content and video-jockeyed for musicians including Ali Azimi, City of Djinn, the Silver Room and Spring Awakening.</p> <p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/frnzzkh/">https://www.instagram.com/frnzzkh/</a></p> <p>Hope Wang is a Chicago-based artist, arts facilitator, and writer working in weaving, screenprinting, book-making, painting and photography. Drawing from minor architectural elements, her work traces material and sensory experiences of space. Her interest in reimagining spatial association and visual perception scales into broader questions of how the peripheral can shift centers and how people form complicated relationships with the structures of their daily lives. She received her BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2018 and has shown in exhibitions including Chicago Textile Week, Spudnik Press Cooperative, Ignition Project Space, FRIEND, Chicago Art Department, Gallery No One, and Sullivan Galleries.</p> <p><a href="https://www.hopewang.com/">https://www.hopewang.com/</a></p><p>The post <a href="http://thevisualist.org/2020/09/sinkholesinkholes-clementine-peels/">SinkholeSinkholes & Clementine Peelss & Clementine Peels</a> first appeared on <a href="http://thevisualist.org">The Visualist</a>.</p>]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>http://thevisualist.org/2020/09/sinkholesinkholes-clementine-peels/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">118045</post-id> </item> </channel> </rss>