Derrick Woods-Morrow


@ ENGAGE Projects

864 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60622

Opening Wednesday, November 20th, at 5:30PM

On view through Saturday, January 4th

Derrick Woods-Morrow: Scirocco – Arifi: Where the Sand Meets the Sea

@ ENGAGE-Projects

864 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60622

Opening Friday, November 10th, from 5PM - 8:30PM

On view through Friday, January 5th

Art Talks! The Block Collects 2023

@ Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University

40 Arts Circle Dr, Evanston, IL 60208

Opening Saturday, October 14th, from 1:30PM - 2:30PM

On view through Wednesday, December 31st

Gravity Pleasure Switchback Curatorial Talk

@ Gallery 400


Opening Thursday, August 3rd, from 5PM - 6:30PM

On view through Saturday, August 5th

Gozié Ojini: Currents

@ Gallery 400

400 S Peoria St, Chicago, IL 60607

Opening Thursday, July 20th, from 5PM - 6PM

K Anderson: Fissures of Displeasure

@ Gallery 400

400 S Peoria St, Chicago, IL 60607

Opening Thursday, June 29th, from 5PM - 6:30PM

On view through Saturday, August 5th

Rest and Labor: A Gravity Pleasure Switchback Tour

@ Gallery 400

400 S Peoria St, Chicago, IL 60607

Opening Tuesday, June 6th, from 4PM - 5PM

On view through Saturday, August 5th

ATOM-r: I ?The Dead ? (The Followspot)

@ Gallery 400

400 S Peoria St, Chicago, IL 60607

Opening Tuesday, February 14th, from 5PM - 6:30PM

On view through Saturday, March 18th

Natasha Mijares and Matthew Goulish

@ Gallery 400

400 S Peoria St, Chicago, IL 60607

Opening Thursday, February 9th, from 5PM - 6:30PM

On view through Saturday, March 18th