Recovering Soundscape Soundwalk with Norman W Long & Sara Zalek
@ Big Marsh Park
11555 S Stony Island Ave, Chicago, IL 60617
Opening Saturday, June 9th, from 4PM - 6PM
Exploring the recovering ecology of Big Marsh Park through sound, listening and movement.
Free and open to the public! All welcome!
Meet at entry plaza next to parking lot.
Norman W. Long is a sound artist/designer/composer based in Chicago, IL. His current work focuses on sound art production within the larger context of landscape.
Sara Zalek is an artist, choreographer, and curator rooted in Butoh and investigations of personal identity. She is obsessed with time travel, experimental science, hybrid animals, permaculture, and the intentional act of transformation.
The Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology (MSAE), established in 2009, is a membership organization dedicated to exploring the role of sound in natural habitats and human societies, while promoting public dialogue concerning the identification, preservation, and restoration of natural and cultural sound environments.
Official Website
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Tags: Big Marsh Park, Chicago, Chicago Park District, he Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology (MSAE), Illinois, Recovering Soundscape Soundwalk with Norman W Long & Sara Zalek, South Deering

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