Perspective: In Depth
@ Studio Oh!
1837 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60608
Opening Friday, July 14th, from 6PM - 10PM
On view through Thursday, August 31st
Perspective in art is a technique in which an artist represents a 3D object on a 2D surface. It is an important aspect in representational art as it renders an accurate depiction of a subject. It creates a depth within the image, similar to an optical illusion, where the picture extends beyond the flat surface. Depth in a piece can be achieved by the utilization of vanishing points and color.
Although every human being has the ability to visually witness perspective in the physical world, it is a skill that must be learned and mastered to fully have the same effect. Each artist approaches their own vision of perspective, whether it’s conveyed realistically, schematically, or symbolically resulting in a variety of interpretations.
The beauty of the human mind is that every individual has their own perspective regarding an experience. This opens the door to productive communication that then leads to understanding and acceptance.
Exhibiting Artists:
Lydia Cheng
John Cline
Eric Cortez
Jazmin Dua
Janet Hamilton
Eddie Parach
Drew Reynolds
Leon Sarantos
Ronit Wiener
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Tags: Chicago, Drew Reynolds, Eddie Parach, Eric Cortez, Janet Hamilton, Jazmin Dua, John Cline, Leon Sarantos, Lower West Side, Lydia Cheng, Perspective: In Depth, Ronit Wiener, Studio Oh!
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