Colleen Plumb: Removed from the Domain of Struggle
@ Roman Susan
1224 West Loyola Avenue, Chicago, IL 60626
Opening Wednesday, June 15th, from 8PM - 10PM
Open at 8 PM // Projections after dark!
Could the act of looking at animals be part of a larger search for connection with something beyond ourselves, beyond our humanness—an attempt to connect with the mystery that nature inspires, even if this experience must be heavily mediated? Why do so many people want to look at animals? Why do we defend or implicitly support the practice of looking? What does it mean to participate as a spectator of captive animals?
Removed from the Domain of Struggle is part of the video series, Thirty Times a Minute, exploring unnatural behaviors of animals held in captivity. Since 2009, Colleen Plumb has traveled to fifty zoos in the United States, making video of animals exhibiting what biologists refer to as stereotypic behavior, defined as a repetitive, obsessive behavior pattern with no obvious goal or function.
The video is projected onto different walls and surfaces throughout city neighborhoods—injected into the public space—looping continuously after sunset at each location. Removed from the Domain of Struggle at Roman Susan will be projected in the evening after dark, visible from the street. For more information, please visit
This event is part of programming for ROMANSUSAN.ORG/NO-DIVING – a site-responsive installation from Allison Lacher and Jeff Robinson. No Diving! serves to host artist-driven events on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays through July 24. More to come:
No Diving! Events
Meg Duguid: Friday, June 17 // 8 PM
Lindsey Dorr-Niro: Sunday, June 19 // 8 PM
Savannah Reich: Wednesday, June 22 // 8 PM
At The Table: Friday, June 24 // 7:30 PM
Hideous Beast: Sunday, June 26 // 4 PM
Richard Medina: Wednesday, June 29 // 8 PM
Ruby Thorkelson: Wednesday, July 6 // 8 PM
Melissa Oresky and Zak Boerger: Friday, July 8 // 8 PM
Adam Farcus: Sunday, July 10 // 4 PM
Cole Lu: Wednesday, July 13 // 8 PM
Kathleen Scott: Friday, July 15 // 8 PM
Esau McGhee: Sunday, July 17 // 4 PM
Sage Dawson: Wednesday, July 20 // 8 PM
Erin Hayden with Sage Dawson: Friday, July 22 // 8 PM
Mike Rea: Sunday, July 24 // 4 PM
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