Apr 2nd 2016

Sonnenzimmer: Vector Sculptures

@ Elastic Arts

3429 W Diversey Ave #208 Chicago, IL 60647

Opening Saturday, April 2nd, from 7PM - 10PM

On view through Sunday, May 29th

Vector Sculptures is a series of six large-format screen prints. While materially connected to Sonnenzimmer’s past work, these totemic and playful pieces counter their early abstractions with obtusely figurative tendencies. Here, deadpan emojis tell mythical origin stories and the uncanny valley is filled to the brim. Built through mixture of careful construction and improvisation, these works continue Sonnenzimmer’s exploration of the porous edge of graphic arts. In the future, images will be liquid, for now they are squeaky life boats.

Opening Reception:
Saturday, April 2nd, 7-10 pm

Sonnenzimmer, which began as Nick Butcher’s and Nadine Nakanishi’s shared painting studio in 2006, has morphed into a idiosyncratic graphic arts practice that merges painting, performance, printmaking, and design. Their work spans commissioned projects and their own publications, exhibitions, and performances. The duo has exhibited widely, with recent shows at The Museum of Contemporary Arts Chicago (2016), Texas State University (2015), the Center for Book and Paper Arts, Chicago (2014), and the Minneapolis College of Design (2013). Upcoming projects include installations at The Arts Club of Chicago and an exhibition at Vebikus Kunsthalle Schaffhausen, Switzerland.

Elastic Arts works to foster a community of music, art, and performance in Avondale/Logan Square and beyond through developing, hosting, producing, and promoting creative, independent, and local music, performance, and art events.

Elastic Art’s visual art program is curated by Jordan Martins

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