@ Ukranian Institute of Modern Art
2320 W Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL
Opening Saturday, October 3rd, from 2PM - 5PM
On view through Sunday, November 29th
“All.go.rhythm” is a show of plotter drawings, digital prints, textiles, watercolors, installation and performance works by artists who work with algorithms. Algorithms are recipes for carrying out a logical or mathematical task. We associate them with computers, but the word is ancient and the concept more ancient still. Weaving, music, tiling patterns and architecture all make use of algorithms. Through computing and networking, algorithms shape contemporary culture and technology. Artists who create their own computer programs, which includes everyone in all.go.rhythm, have become especially aware of the power of algorithms.
Computational algorithms play a critical role in the art practices of the four artists in all.go.rhythm, hence the title, which also suggests that algorithms may be found everywhere. Colette Bangert, Roman Verostko, and Jean-Pierre Hébert are highly regarded pioneers of what was once referred to as “computer art,” and now is called “new media art.”
The symposium will discuss the origins and development of computer-mediated algorithmic art and the work of the artists exhibiting in all.go.rhythm in the context of the many communities that supported (or thwarted) algorithmic art/digital art/new media art. We are particularly interested in the how non-artists contributed to these communities and influenced the work of the artists, and in how artists and non-artists enabled systems of exhibition and distribution for experiencing the artists’ work.
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