Aug 3rd 2024

Tadashi Endo
Chicago Premiere
Shinkai no tamashii
Saturday, Aug 3, 2024 8pm
@Asian Improv aRts Midwest, 4875 N. Elston Ave, Chi

His dance is a synthesis of theater, performance and dance. Tadashi Endo expresses the field of tension between ying and yang, male and female, and their everlasting alteration. “He manages to fill that void with a poetic beauty, precision movement and spiritual flavor. It`s like cut grass and cut glass, one smells good and brings back memory, the other cuts into you leaving a scar.” David Carter

Butoh MA Workshop
August 6-9, 2024
Tuesday through Friday 6-10pm
@Co-Prosperity Sphere, 3219 S Morgan Street, Chi
Collective MA Student Performance
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Doors Open 6:30 pm
Performance begins 7pm
@Co-Prosperity Sphere, 3219 S Morgan Street, Chi
$15 suggested donation

Approximately $14/student hour
Early Registration Discounts until July 15, 2024
Options available for a total of 20 student hours

This workshop does build every day, but our lives and schedules may not allow for complete immersion. Come to as many as you can, and we welcome all curious bodies! Student and work/trade volunteer discounts available upon request and availability.

Elève of the great butoh dancer Kazuo Ohno, is a Butoh-dancer, choreographer, director of the Butoh-Centre MAMU and artistic director of the Butoh-Festivals MAMU Butoh & Jazz in Göttingen. Tadashi Endo collaborates with Germany’s most popular film- and opera director DORIS DÖRRIE, as choreographer for the opera Madame Butterfly (Theater am Gärtnerplatz München 2006), for the cinema film HANAMI-KIRSCHBLÜTEN (2007), the opera ADMETO (International Haendel Festival Göttingen and International Festival Edinburgh 2009) and DON GIOVANNI (Hamburgische Staatsoper 2011, 2012). In all these productions Tadashi Endo also appears as a solo dancer.

Co-Prosperity is accessible by wheelchair. The gallery has two 5-inch steps that go into the building. One is from the sidewalk leading up to the front door, and the second is 5ft past the front door. There are two temporary ramps that are put out for events, and can be used for wheelchair access. Bar and restrooms are ADA compliant.

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