Apr 8th 2021

The Art of Scientific Storytelling

@ Block Museum


Opening Thursday, April 8th, at 12PM

Register: https://northwestern.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CtFTXOoUT_2QGfYeU-qfWA?mc_cid=ccf9900a65&mc_eid=369c0b783f

We live in a time when the arts and sciences are generally understood to operate in different domains of knowledge production, each using different tools in their search for truth. What is the value of re-establishing this connection and how can the two fields grow from the interaction? More specifically, how can art’s sensitivity to the personal and emotional dimensions of human experience better illuminate the same experiences at the heart of all scientific investigation?

Artist-at-Large Dario Robleto will share the deep connections between art and science through his creative research methods, narrative storytelling and exploration of material science and sculpture.

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