Alonso Galué: Immigrants To Go
@ Agitator Cooperative Gallery
1112 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
Opening Saturday, October 12th, from 6PM - 10PM
IMMIGRANTS TO GO makes us notice the presence of the other, the one that we don’t love, the one that we don’t want to recognize because we wouldn’t forgive ourselves if we understood why he is here or what caused his forced displacement to a new territory. Land that allegedly would offer a better quality of life perhaps, at the same time, limits immigrants’ bodies, their spaces and their will in their unpersonified lives. Labor immigrants are disposable existences swallowed by a social system and seasonal jobs.
GALUE has himself experienced this way of living, knowing himself as the other, feeling the brittleness of the labor system through the immigrant perception. It is an existence that daily consumes millions of anonymous people, within societies enjoying the pleasure of to-go services.
Galué (Venezuela, 1994) received his BFA at Los Andes University. He worked with soft sculptures and painting before evolving to Total Installation in recent years Aun somos ridiculos (2017), What they’ve made of us (2018) immigrants to go (2019). Due to persecution by Nicolas Maduro’s Regime, he settled in the USA in 2017. He worked in Miami, FL with Void Projects and is now living in Chicago. Galué’s work explores themes of immigration, labor, and existential crisis.
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