Window Shopping and Pay-What-You-Can Headshots
@ Purple Window Gallery
2233 S Throop St. #845 Chicago, IL 60608
Opening Sunday, December 8th, from 12PM - 4PM
On view through Sunday, December 15th
Book your headshots today via the Google Link. Select a timeslot and write your name and Instagram handle to sign up. Venmo the gallery on Sunday after services are rendered (pay-what-you-can). Photography by Amy Shelton.
*Google Link*:
Shop original works and wares made by local artists at WINDOW SHOPPING, Purple Window’s 3rd annual salon-style exhibition and art market. Prices range from $25 to $500.
The event is free and open to the public.
Works by Emily Baughman, Spenser Bower, Marisol Cervantes, Eseosa Edebiri, Naomi Elson, Gold Child Beauty, Gratefully Dreaming, Rebecca Griffith, Amy Fleming, Lauren lacoponi, Mickey Alice Kwapis, Millicent Kennedy, Tulika Ladsariya, David Linneweh, Marlina Mathisen, Hattie Lee Mendoza, Lauren McKee, Madison Manning, Allen Moore, Natalie Pivoney, Janelle Rae, Tia Sculpt, Amy Shelton, Galina Shevchenko, Melissa Smith, Veronica Storc, Reina Sundara, Madeline Vodrazka, Whittledick
Purple Window Gallery is located inside MANA Contemporary Chicago, at 2233 S. Throop St. Room 845, Chicago, IL 60608. The entrance is on the East side of the building. It is accessible by the #21 #60 and #9 buses.
Official Website
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Tags: Allen Moore, Amy Fleming, Amy Shelton, Chicago, David Linneweh, Emily Baughman, Eseosa Edebiri, Galina Shevchenko, Gold Child Beauty, Gratefully Dreaming, Hattie Lee Mendoza, Janelle Rae, Lauren Lacoponi, Lauren McKee, Lower West Side, Madeline Vodrazka, Madison Manning, Marisol Cervantes, Marlina Mathisen, Melissa Smith, Mickey Alice Kwapis, millicent kennedy, Naomi Elson, Natalie Pivoney, Purple Window Gallery, Rebecca Griffith, Reina Sundara, Spenser Bower, Tia Sculpt, Tulika Ladsariya, Veronica Storc, Whittledick, Window Shopping and Pay-What-You-Can Headshots

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