Oct 12th 2024
ELASTRO AV Night 1: Curated by Galina Shevchenko
@ Elastic Arts
3429 W Diversey Ave, #208, Chicago IL, 60647
Opening Saturday, October 12th, at 8PM
On view through Sunday, October 13th
Elastro A/V presents a 2-day festival of audio and video installations and performances from a wide range of local audiovisual Chicago artists! Tonight is curated by video artist Galina Shevchenko who has invited fellow video artist Liviu Pasare to present work as well.
The evening will being with Pasare on video alongside an audio ensemble of Oui Ennui, Scott Myers, Jordan Knecht, and Emma Hospelhorn.
The second set will have Shevchenko on video with the trio of Mai Sugimoto, Jim Baker, and Chris Corsano.
$15 / $10 w/ Student ID – Tickets Available at the Door
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Tags: Chicago, Chris Corsano, Elastic Arts, ELASTRO AV Night 1: Curated by Galina Shevchenko, Elastro Series, Emma Hospelhorn, Galina Shevchenko, Jim Baker, Jordan Knecht, Liviu Pasare, Logan Square, Mai Sugimoto, Oui Ennui, Scott Myers

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