Recognize That Your Name is Already on Every Place You Place Your Feet
@ Patient Info
902 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
Opening Saturday, September 7th, from 6PM - 10PM
On view through Sunday, September 29th
Patient Info is thrilled to present “Recognize That Your Name is Already on Every Place You Place Your Feet” curated by Chris Reeves @otherchrisreeves and opening on Saturday 9/7.
This is an exhibition about the queer dancer, poet, artist, children’s book author, champion of ASL, Remy Charlip (1929-2012). Although Charlip juggled many different networks of activity at all times, a commonality in all of them was his desire to make felt the possibilities of the social otherwise. What if you were held by eight arms rather than two? What if a dance could arrive to you by mail, or occur while alone in bed? How might movement be felt when all bodies are considered? These are questions and concerns of Charlip’s that occurred in spaces as varied as a children’s book to vanguard theatre and dance. In the spirit of Charlip’s boundless work this exhibition puts ten artists in response with a historical work, text, idea, illustration, book, dance, or other material of Charlip’s, and furthermore, in conversation with each other’s responses.
Alongside the works will be their original incarnations which often took the form of sketches, scores, or proposals. Other Charlip ephemera, including books, posters, and archival performances, will be on view throughout the exhibition space.
Aleksandra Walaszek
Camille Casemier
Jesse Malmed and the JM Ensemble
Madison Mae Parker
Maggie Wong
Mao Chenhui
Max Guy
Sarah Lutkenhaus
Shir Ende
Official Website
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Tags: Aleksandra Walaszek, Camille Casemier, Chicago, Chris Reeves, Jesse Malmed, JM Ensemble, Madison Mae Parker, Maggie Wong, Mao Chenhui, Max Guy, olivier, Patient Info, Recognize That Your Name is Already on Every Place You Place Your Feet, Remy Charlip, Sarah Lutkenhaus, Shir Ende, West Town

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