Sep 27th 2024

Imprints of Time

@ The Research House for Asian Art

3217 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL 60608

Opening Friday, September 27th, from 6PM - 9PM

On view through Saturday, October 19th

In our contemporary world, time has become a source of anxiety. It feels as though life is governed by an invisible clock, dictating what we must achieve at certain points, pushing us to make choices according to its relentless tick-tock. Time has been transformed from a natural flow into an internal mechanism, one that churns within our minds, driving us into a state of perpetual unrest and self-doubt.

For artists, however, time assumes a different form. It can be a gentle stream, flowing slowly, allowing space for reflection and contemplation; or it can be a turbulent ocean, fierce and unrestrained, inspiring bursts of creativity. The act of creation often unfolds in solitude, where time stretches and lingers, becoming a catalyst for inspiration and the essence of their work. Time is no longer something to be chased but rather observed, embraced, and savored.

“Imprints of Time” is an exhibition that explores and reflects upon this perception of time. Here, each artist engages in a dialogue with time, capturing their experience through various mediums. These works are not merely records of time but rather profound expressions of how time is perceived, understood, and responded to. They are imprints left in the wake of time’s passage, a testament to how artists immerse themselves and sometimes lose themselves in its flow.

Through these artworks, we invite the audience to set aside their anxiety about time and step into a realm where time can be felt and experienced differently—where one might sense its tenderness, its intensity, and its beauty. May this exhibition offer each visitor a moment of pause, a space to reflect on the meaning of time, and a chance to find serenity within its imprints.

Kira Wu

Poster Designer: Junfeng Zhang

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