ECOS: Activities in Pilsen
@ National Museum of Mexican Art
1852 W 19th St, Chicago, IL 60608
Opening Saturday, September 28th, from 10AM - 9PM
ECOS: A Chicago Latine Poetry Festival celebrates Chicago’s relationship with and influence on Latine poetry. It echoes (“ecos’ in Spanish) the Nezahualcóyotl Poetry Festival, organized in 1991 by Chicago poet Carlos Cumpián and aligns with the September release of Latino Poetry: the Library of America Anthology
The Poetry Foundation has partnered with local cultural organizations to present programming activations in three Chicago neighborhoods: the North River Commission in Albany Park, the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture in Humboldt Park, and the National Museum of Mexican Art in Pilsen. The festival will feature free, bilingual Spanish and English programming, including poetry readings and performances, writing workshops, live music, storytime for kids, and more!
On this page find the schedule and register for all activities in Pilsen (all of them happening at the National Museum of Mexican Art)!
12:30 PM – 1:30 AM (+1 day)
ECOS Contratiempo lecturas en las galerias
At National Museum of Mexican Art (1852 W 19th St, Chicago, IL 60608) Acompaña a los poetas de Contratiempo mientras recitan poemas en las galerías del museo. Aprovecha de esta oportunidad única de disfrutar de poesía y arte al mismo tiempo. Estas lecturas se realizarán en español. Este evento es gratuito y abierto al público. Para más información sobre accesibilidad en el museo, visiten la página de accesibilidad del National Museum of Mexican Art.
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
ECOS Pop-up readings in the gallery with Guild Literary Complex
At National Museum of Mexican Art (1852 W 19th St, Chicago, IL 60608) Join poets from the Guild Literary Complex as they recite poems in the galleries of the National Museum of Mexican Art. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to enjoy art and poetry at the same time!
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
ECOS Closing Performance
Celebrate the closing of ECOS: A Chicago Latine Poetry Festival with a reception and performance by Carlos Cumpián, Yolanda Nieves, Crystal Vance Guerra, and Rubén Medina at the National Museum of Mexican Art
Official Website
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Tags: Carlos Cumpián, Chicago, Crystal Vance Guerra, ECOS, ECOS: Activities in Pilsen, Guild Literary Complex, Lower West Side, National Museum of Mexican Art, Poetry Foundation, Rubén Medina, Yolanda Nieves

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