And Now: Stories from the Edge
@ Agitator Gallery
3851 W Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Saturday, August 10th, from 6PM - 10PM
On view through Saturday, August 24th
Opening Sat 8/10, 6 – 10 pm | AND NOW: Stories from the Edge
We are on the precipice of a world that could soon be unrecognizable.
How is the world changing? What could that mean? What agency do we have in that change? How can we take control of the change for the common good? AND NOW is an exhibition that will explore those questions. It will be on display in Chicago during August 2024, when the Democratic National Convention is in town.
Opening Reception: August 10
Live Fiction Reading: August 17
Closing Reception and Performances: August 24
Featuring Visual Work By
Andrea Cardinal
Andrew Francisco
Eugene I-Peng Tang
George John “LARDO” Larson
Giovanna Aguirre-Peresson
Isabella Covert
J Maloof
Jason Brockman
Jason Greenberg
Jaxanna Fink
Juan-Carlos Perez
Kateryna Tkachenko
Katherine Nemanich
Gretchen Hasse
Mallory Shotwell
Marie Magnetic
Mark Nelson
Nina Sun
Ralph Skunkie Davis
Rowan Campbell
San Chen
Sarah E. Rieser
Ramin Takloo-Bighash
Scottie Kersta-Wilson
Victoria Park
Yi Sun
Zion Blu
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Tags: Agitator Gallery, Andrea Cardinal, Andrew Francisco, Chicago, Eugene I-Peng Tang, George John "LARDO" Larson, Giovanna Aguirre Peresson, Gretchen Hasse, Gretchen Hasse: And Now: Stories from the Edge, Isabella Covert, J Maloof, Jason Brockman, Jason Greenberg, Jaxanna Fink, Juan Carlos Perez, Kateryna Tkachenko, Katherine Nemanich, Leslie Hardie, Logan Square, Mallory Shotwell, Marie Magnetic, Mark Nelson, Nina Sun, ralph skunkie davis, Ramin Takloo-Bighash, Rowan Campbell, San Chen, Sarah E. Rieser, Scottie Kersta-Wilson, Scumdrop, Victoria Park, Yi Sun, Zion Blu

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