Allison Wade: Same Difference
@ Compound Yellow
244 Lake St, Oak Park, IL 60302
Opening Saturday, August 24th, from 2PM - 5PM
On view through Sunday, September 29th
Same Difference: Solo Exhibition of New Works by Allison Wade
Relentlessly mining the familiar for the novel and the novel for the familiar.
With this series of metal, ceramic and fabric work, I found freedom by setting compositional parameters, creating frames for myself. Simple components coalesced into more complex arrangements, with adjacencies highlighting similarities and differences. No matter which means I employed, the end came back to the pleasure of seeking new ways to fit and manipulate material into my own established (but expanding) lexicon.
Allison Wade is a visual artist and educator working primarily in sculpture. Her practice is material-based, intuitive, and formally focused. She combines ceramics, textiles, wood, and metal into unexpected, often tenuous arrangements that explore the intersection of flatness and form. Wade’s process, which she likens to syntax, is closely aligned with writing. Deploying an idiosyncratic visual language, she explores the structural and formal contingencies of her materials and sculptures, grouping them into words, sentences, and paragraphs that function both as distinct elements and parts of a whole.
Save the dates: Allison Wade will be present at the gallery Saturday, September 14 and on the final day, September 29 (both from 2-5pm).
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