Alina Nazmeeva: Bug In My Software
@ Chicago Gamespace
2418 W Bloomingdale Ave Chicago IL 60647
Opening Sunday, July 7th, from 1PM - 5PM
On view through Sunday, September 1st
Alina Nazmeeva: Bug In My Software
July 7 – September 1, 2024
Hours: Sundays 1-5pm
General Admission $8 (Ages 13+), Kids Admission $5 (Ages 5-12), Free Admission for Kids Under 5
Chicago Gamespace is pleased to announce a new exhibit titled Bug In My Software by new media artist Alina Nazmeeva. This installation is centered on the silkmoth, a fascinating, cute creature that is both an organic and human-engineered form of life. Silk comes from silkworms, which spin shimmering fibers to create cocoons that are harvested through a process where the moths are boiled alive before hatching. For millennia, humans have altered these moths to improve the quality and strength of their silk, making them one of the earliest examples of bioengineering. In Nazmeeva’s textile, screen, and VR installation, silkworms symbolize the promise and perils of technology. The artist uses AI and silkworm DNA sequences to generate a mixed reality world where viewers can observe silkworm- and silkmoth-inspired creatures inhabiting virtual environment over a textile landscape.
Alina Nazmeeva is an artist and educator, newly based in Chicago, whose work is at the intersection of the physical and digital, organic and engineered, real and artificial, and often as well as labor and gender . Nazmeeva’s work has been shown at the Venice Architecture Biennale, MIT Media Lab, and the Taubman College Liberty Annex Gallery among other venues.
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Tags: alina nazmeeva, Alina Nazmeeva: Bug In My Software, Chicago, Chicago Gamespace, Logan Square, New Media Art, Video Games

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