SLUTS: Anthology edited Michelle Tea
@ Women & Children First Bookstore
5233 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 60640
Opening Thursday, May 23rd, at 7PM
Women & Children First is thrilled to celebrate the released of SLUTS: Anthology edited by Michelle Tea. This event will feature readings from Cristy Road Carrera, Carta Monir, Meredith Maran, Taleen Kali, Sam Cohen, Lyn Corelle, and jimmy cooper.
Please note: This event is free to attend, but registration is required! By registering to attend this event, you agree to wear a mask throughout the duration of the event, according to W&CF’s Covid-19 policy.
What it means to be sexually promiscuous in contemporary American culture, edited by cult-favorite author Michelle Tea.
SLUTS, the first publication from vulgarian queer publisher DOPAMINE BOOKS, is an exploration of what it means to be sexually promiscuous in contemporary American culture. Featuring personal essays, spilled secrets, fiction, memoir, and experimental works, SLUTS asks writers and readers to investigate the many ways the notion of the slut impacts our inner and outer lives, as a threat or an identity, a punishment or an aspiration, a lifestyle, an aesthetic, a philosophy and rallying cry. From hideous and terrifying first encounters to postapocalyptic polyamory, from unionizing sex workers to backstage tableaux of sex and drugs and rock and roll, SLUTS’s stories probe the liberating highs and abject lows of physical abandon. Featuring work from performer Miguel Gutierrez, hailed by the New York Times as “an artist of ordered excess”; former Nylon magazine editor in chief Gabrielle Korn; award-winning author Brontez Purnell; Whore of New York author Liara Roux; National Book Critics Circle Award winner Jeremy Atherton Lin; and a host of additional artists and writers, SLUTS reveals the knowledges provoked by a dalliance with desire.
DL Alvarez, Vera Blossom, Chloe Caldwell, Cristy Road Carrera, Sam Cohen, Tom Cole, Lydia Conklin, jimmy cooper, Lyn Corelle, Jenny Fran Davis, Cyrus Dunham, Hedi El Kholti, Robert Gluck, Miguel Gutierrez, Gary Indiana, Taleen Kali, Cheryl Klein, Gabrielle Korn, Jeremy Atherton Lin, Nate Lippens, Meredith Maran, Carta Monir, Amanda Montell, Carely Moore, Bradford Nordeen, Baruch Porras-Hernandez, Kamala Puligandla, Brontez Purnell, Liara Roux, Andrea Sands, Daviel Shy, Jen Silverman, Anna Joy Springer, Laurie Stone, McKenzie Wark, Zoe Whittall
Cristy Road Carrera is a Cuban-American artist, writer, and musician. Her work explores survival, sexuality, culture, punk rock, and thriving in a broken body and depleting system. She published Green’zine from 1997-2004, and since has released three graphic novels; as well as countless illustrations for music, publishing, and social movements. Her most recent projects are the revolutionary Next World Tarot, and her music with Choked Up. She’s currently writing songs and dystopian romance in New York City.
Carta Monir is a writer and erotic performer living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She is very beautiful and you are in love with her.
Meredith Maran is the 72-year-old sexpot, grandmother, and author of 14 books and bazillions of book reviews, features, op-eds, think-pieces, and feel-pieces for The New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, O Magazine, and other outlets. She lives in Los Angeles and Palm Springs.
Hailing from her native Los Angeles, Taleen Kali composes romantic punk songs wrapped in layers of shoegaze, psychedelia, and grunge, creating a cosmic sound that’s dreamy and defiant alike.
Sam Cohen is the author of the story collection Sarahland (Grand Central Publishing, 2021). Her short fiction is published in Bomb, Electric Literature, O Magazine, Fence, Diagram, and elsewhere. Before coming to Oberlin, she taught at the University of Southern California, UCLA Extension, CalArts, and many Los Angeles Community colleges.
Lyn Corelle is a filmmaker, photographer, and writer based in Minneapolis. They co-edited the 2023 anthology Make the Golf Course a Public Sex Forest! In 2021 they released A Corpse Among Corpses, an essay film on the legacy of asylum graveyards around the Midwest. They can be found on Instagram @lyncorelle and Twitter @sex_forest.
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Tags: Amanda Montell, Andrea Sands, Anna Joy Springer, Baruch Porras-Hernandez, Bradford Nordeen, Brontez Purnell, Carely Moore, Carta Monir, Cheryl Klein, Chicago, Chloe Caldwell, Cristy Road Carrera, Cyrus Dunham, Daviel Shy, DL Alvarez, Edgewater, Gabrielle Korn, Gary Indiana, Hedi El Kholti, Jen Silverman, Jenny Fran Davis, Jeremy Atherton Lin, jimmy cooper, Kamala Puligandla, Laurie Stone, Liara Roux, Lydia Conklin, Lyn Corelle, McKenzie Wark, Meredith Maran, Michelle Tea, Miguel Gutierrez, Nate Lippens, Robert Gluck, Sam Cohen, SLUTS: Anthology, SLUTS: Anthology edited Michelle Tea, Taleen Kali, Tom Cole, Vera Blossom, Women & Children First Bookstore, Zoe Whittall

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